The #mountainousbest adventure park and hiking spot in Zemplén
New game elements are waiting for you in the Zemplén Adventure Park, have you ever tried it?
The place, where you can have obliviously fun during one or even more days!
Get out of your comfort zone and feel yourself again like a kid! We are waiting for you with many programs, so come with your family or friends, everyone will surely find the most exciting entertainment option here.
Are you looking for an outdoor, adrenaline-rich traveling? We’ll show you, what you should absolutely try!
Swing – Rise up high
Two new swings have been added to the Adventure Park, with which you can rise up to a height of more than 510 m, all the way to the top of Magas-hegy.
Viewpoint of Magas-hegy – for those who like the panorama
Its highest point rises to a height of 514 m, from which a beautiful panorama opens up to the mountains, the town of Sátoraljaújhely, Hegyalja, the Bodrogköz and Slovakia.
Ungvár Cellars – Cellar system as part of World Heritage
You can even walk from the Lower Station of the Adventure Park to discover the 5-hectare Ungvári Winery! The cellars, which lie 15-30 m deep, are connected by more than 10 kilometers of cellar passages, thus forming a complex multi-level cellar system.
Hungarian Calvary on the top of Szár-hegy – For history lovers
Get to know the historical sights of the Carpathian Basin as part of a walk through the forest! You can also approach this historical place from Magas-hegy: the lovers of panorama can fly over on a ropeway with cabins, and the braver ones have the opportunity to slide between two mountains on an extreme sliding track.
Downhill trails – For speed freaks
Speed fanatics can also enjoy a downhill bike course, on which you can cycle from the top of Magas-hegy to the foot of the mountain, on winding mountain paths. Recommended only for experienced mountain bikers!
Playground and pump track – To the delight of the little ones
We also thought of the little ones at the Zemplén Adventure Park. We created a themed playground for them, so families with small children can also come to us independently of age. You will see, everyone will feel good with us.
Canopy promenade and adventure trails – Let it dazzle you
Do you like heights? Then this adventure is just fit for you! Look down from an amazing height, from the level of canopy to the surrounding landscape, or try one of the six adventure trails. It’s really amazing!
Development of ski slope – It’s unmissable in winter
If you would put on your slat skis or sowboard in this winter, then definitely don’t miss this one! We connected ski runs I. and II., we installed new snow cannon connection points and we also arranged the surroundings of the reservoir. In addition, we have created a toboggan run next to the ski slope, which is snow-filled and groomed by ratrack!
And after the unforgettable Zemplén adrenaline bomb, Tiszabecs awaits, where children can discover the newest playground in addition to countless water programs! Now it is really worth visiting the novelties of Eastern Hungary.
The developments were supported by the GINOP-7.1.9-17-2018-00029 grant.
❌ A mai napon a középső állomáson pénztár nem üzemel!
‼𝐅𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐒‼ Az elektromos hálózat kiépítése miatt a szerpentin jelenleg le van zárva, ezért kérünk benneteket, hogy az alsó állomásnál parkoljatok, és libegővel gyertek fel!
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❗️FONTOS❗️: Az üzemeltetés időjárásfüggő. Az időjárási viszonyok napközben is változhatnak!
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Hol tudtok parkolni az alsó állomáson❓🅿️
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Ebben az esetben a Magas-hegyi ill. a Szár-hegyi libegő használatával, vagy a kabinos kötélpálya igénybevételével juthatsz el a Szár-hegyre, ahonnan 5-10 perc gyaloglás után, elérsz a Nemzeti Összetartozás Hídjához.
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